Hi, I’m Ashton, and I’m obsessed with goal setting. My husband, family, and creative business friends will all tell you that I’m the goals and planning person. So it’s no secret that I am a big fan of goal setting, and I tend to think and talk a lot about my goals, planning & productivity.
Are you ready for a focused 2025? I know I am. In this post, I’m excited to share with you the launch of my 2025 goal planner printables!
Every year I design an actionable workbook that you can print out (or use digitally on your iPad) to brainstorm, set goals, and track your achievements through...
As a small business owner, there are so many things you are responsible for keeping track of. When those tasks only need to be done annually, it is easy to procrastinate on them or even forget about them entirely.
Over the past few years, I’ve developed a series of steps that I can follow to m...
Ever feel like your creative motivation has dried up? It happens for me from time to time, often when I’m worn out after finishing a big project. I’ve found that one of the most helpful tools for getting out of such a slump is refreshing the environment around me - my studio. In this blog post, ...
Here you'll find articles about art journaling, planning, and goal setting, and other tips and tricks I've learned in my work as an artist. I also love to share behind the scenes peeks into my studio and sketchbook, as well as how I balance digital & analog tools as a surface designer. Go ahead, leave me a comment! xo, Ashton